About Saint
Louis Forever
In June 2020 in response to calls to tear down the iconic equestrian statue of King St. Louis in Forest Park, a group of concerned St. Louisans began meeting daily to pray the Rosary at the foot of the statue.
Today, St. Louis still stands guard over his city, and St. Louisans still kneel at his feet every Saturday to invoke the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Louis over their city.
Rosary for the reign of Jesus Christ in St. Louis. Every Saturday at the
Invention of the True Cross
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Invention of the True Cross
Fraternitas Sacrae Domini Coronae
The Rosary at the statue is led by members of the Fraternity of the Crown of Thorns, a fraternal organization of local Catholic men dedicated to promoting the reign of Christ in St. Louis through reparation, civic devotion, and prayer.
Apotheosis of Saint Louis
The plaster statue of King Louis IX of France (1214- 1270) was sculpted by Charles Henry Niehaus for the 1904 World's Fair. After the Fair, the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company decided to present a bronze version of the sculpture to the City of St. Louis. The plaster was cast in bronze by W. R. Hodges. The statue has stood tall upon Art Hill since 1906.